Our teeth are working hard for us every day, so it is important to continually practice good oral hygiene and take preventative measures to maintain a healthy smile. At Von Chan DDS, we offer many preventative dentistry procedures to help you gain a smile you love. If you care for your teeth now, you can end up saving money in the long run by preventing dental problems from occurring.We recommend coming into our office at least twice a year for a check-up. At each check-up, you can expect an oral exam and a professional dental cleaning, as well as some educational tips on what you can do to improve your oral hygiene.
Oral Exams
Each time you come into our office, we will perform a brief oral exam. The exam will inspect the strength of your teeth, as well as check for decay or sensitivity. Based on the exam, the hygienist will know how to go about your cleaning. Once a year, x-rays will be taken to check for alignment and movement of your teeth.

A Professional Cleaning
A professional cleaning begins with the removal of all plaque on your teeth. Plaque is a white, sticky substance that builds up in the corners of your teeth when not taken care of properly. The hygienist will use a scaler, which appears like a metal hook, to scrape off all of the plaque and tartar in your mouth. Then, a deep cleaning will be performed with a high-powered brush. This will feel as though someone is brushing your teeth for you. Finally, a professional flossing will be done. While we highly recommend daily flossing, we know it can be hard to reach those back molars. The hygienist can help with that!
After each cleaning, the patient will be offered fluoride. Fluoride is a protective substance painted onto the surface of your teeth and is tasteless and colorless. The fluoride strengthens your teeth and works to fight against bacteria that can cause cavities. You can eat and drink as normal with fluoride, your mouth may just feel sticky at first.
Based on your current oral hygiene habits and the state of your teeth, the hygienist will recommend different things that you can do to improve. While each patient is different, there are some minor things that everyone can do, such as brushing and flossing twice a day, avoiding a lot of sugar or caffeine, and never opening packaging with your teeth.
Here at Von Chan DDS, we offer all procedures necessary to help prevent any major dental issues. We care for your teeth because we care about giving you your best smile yet! If you are in the Petaluma, California, area, please come into our office for a cleaning to get you started on the path to a better smile!